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Showing results for "safed honaa"

safed honaa

turn pale due to embarrassment or fright

Daa.Dhii safed honaa

diida safed honaa

diide safed honaa

ra.ngaat safed honaa

blanch, become pale, becoming face colour faded due to fear or scare

aa.nkhe.n safed honaa

chehra safed honaa

lahuu safed honaa

chorii safed honaa

sar safed honaa

to become grey or old

rang safed honaa

cho.nDaa dhuup me.n safed honaa

mu.nh kii ra.ngat safed honaa

mu.nh kii ra.ngat safed honaa

baal dhuup me.n safed honaa

dhuup me.n baal safed honaa

become gray-headed without gaining experience or wisdom, pass one's life in ignorance

zamaane kaa lahuu safed honaa surKH-o-safed honaa

sar ke baal safed honaa

safed-o-siyaah kaa iKHtiyaar honaa

siyaah-o-safed kaa maalik honaa

be in complete control

siyaah-o-safed kaa maalik-o-muKHtaar honaa

saafed-o-siyaah kaa maalik honaa

all in all

KHuun safaid honaa

to be unkind, to be callous.

syaah-safaid kaa maalik honaa

mu.nh sufed honaa

baal sufaid honaa

safeda-e-sub.h numuudaar honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning safed honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

safed honaa

सफ़ेद होनाسَفید ہونا

English meaning of safed honaa

  • turn pale due to embarrassment or fright

Showing search results for: English meaning of safed hona, English meaning of saphed hona

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