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Showing results for "safar"


move, motion, movement, agitation

jumbish honaa

ہلنا، حرکت کرنا

jumbish na karnaa

to stuck in a place, to be frozen

jumbish na khaanaa

to be in motion, do not move

jumbish men honaa

رک : جنْبش میں آنا .

jumbish khaanaa

to feel dizzy, to move

jumbish men aanaa

get into a state of motion or action, become active, be stirred up, be roused or be excited


the movements of palate and mouth both


پانی کی حرکت


the movement of tongue


movement of eyebrows, a signal, innuendo

Meaning ofSee meaning safar in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12

Word Family: s-f-r

English meaning of safar

Noun, Masculine

  • journeying, travelling, journey, travel, voyage, expedition, trip, tour
  • journey, travel, voyage
  • campaign
  • (Sufism) a mystic journey by a devotee seeking nearness to God

Looking for similar sounding words?

safar (صَفَر)

the second month of the Islamic calendar

Sher Examples

सफ़र के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • यात्रा, कूच, दूसरे स्थान के लिये प्रस्थान, रवानगी, रास्ते में चलना, रवाना होना, बाहर जाना, एक शहर से दूसरे शहर या एक मुल्क से दूसरे मुल्क जाना, एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाना, प्रस्थान, पर्यटन, गमन
  • (मजाज़न) निरंतर संघर्ष, इच्छित की खोज का निरंतर शौक़
  • (मजाज़न) मौत

سَفَر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • باہر جانا، مسافرت، سیاحت، ایک شہر سے دوسرے شہر یا ایک ملک سے دوسرے ملک جانا، ایک جگہ سے دوسری جگہ کوچ کرنا، روانگی
  • (مجازاً) مسلسل جدوجہد، مطلوب کی طلب کا مسلسل شوق
  • (مجازاً) موت
  • (تصوف) سالک کا مقامات قرب حق اور مراتب ذات کے ادنیٰ مقام سے اعلیٰ مقام کی طرف ترقی کرنا

Urdu meaning of safar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • baahar jaana, musaafirat, sayaahat, ek shahr se duusre shahr ya ek mulak se duusre mulak jaana, ek jagah se duusrii jagah kuuch karnaa, ravaangii
  • (majaazan) musalsal jadd-o-jahad, matluub kii talab ka musalsal shauq
  • (majaazan) maut
  • (tasavvuf) saalik ka muqaamaat qurab haq aur muraatib zaat ke adnaa muqaam se aalaa muqaam kii taraf taraqqii karnaa

Synonyms of safar

Related searched words


move, motion, movement, agitation

jumbish honaa

ہلنا، حرکت کرنا

jumbish na karnaa

to stuck in a place, to be frozen

jumbish na khaanaa

to be in motion, do not move

jumbish men honaa

رک : جنْبش میں آنا .

jumbish khaanaa

to feel dizzy, to move

jumbish men aanaa

get into a state of motion or action, become active, be stirred up, be roused or be excited


the movements of palate and mouth both


پانی کی حرکت


the movement of tongue


movement of eyebrows, a signal, innuendo

Showing search results for: English meaning of safar, English meaning of saphar

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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