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Showing results for "pul-siraat"


move, motion, movement, agitation


movements, trembling, gestures

jumbish denaa

move, shake

jumbish honaa

ہلنا، حرکت کرنا

jumbish khaanaa

to feel dizzy, to move

jumbish na karnaa

to stuck in a place, to be frozen

jumbish na khaanaa

to be in motion, do not move


پانی کی حرکت

jumbish men aanaa

get into a state of motion or action, become active, be stirred up, be roused or be excited


the movement of tongue

jumbish men honaa

رک : جنْبش میں آنا .


the movements of palate and mouth both


motion of eye


movement of eyebrows, a signal, innuendo

qalam jumbish me.n aanaa

to begin writing, start writing

aasmaan ko jumbish honaa

تہلکہ مچنا، ہل چل مچنا

rag-e-Gairat jumbish me.n aanaa

for one's conscience to awaken

Meaning ofSee meaning pul-siraat in English, Hindi & Urdu


पुल-सिरातپُل صِراط

Vazn : 2121

English meaning of pul-siraat

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Masculine

  • a bridge over which (in the belief of Mohammadans) the righteous will pass into Paradise, and from which the wicked fall into hell, on the day of judgment
  • (Metaphorically) a very dangerous path

Sher Examples

पुल-सिरात के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • इस्लामी मान्यता के अनुसार जिस पुल को पुरुषों और महिलाओं को पार करना होगा, और स्वर्ग तक पहुंचना होगा यदि वह पुण्य है, या यदि वह पापी है तो नरक में गिर जाए गा, बहुत कठिन रास्ता
  • (लाक्षणिक) बहुत कठिन मार्ग

پُل صِراط کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی - اسم، مذکر

  • وہ پل جس پر سے قیامت کےدن اچھے برے سب گزریں گے (کہا جاتا ہے کہ پل بال سے زیادہ باریک تلوار کی دھار سے زیادہ تیز آگ سے زیادہ گرم ہوگا نیکوکار اس سے باآسانی گزر جائیں گے اور بدکار کٹ کٹ کر جہنم میں گر پڑیں گے)،
  • (مجازاً) بہت مشکل اور دشوار گزار راستہ

Urdu meaning of pul-siraat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo pal jis par se qiyaamat kaidaN achchhe bure sab guzriinge (kahaa jaataa hai ki pal baal se zyaadaa baariik talvaar kii dhaar se zyaadaa tez aag se zyaadaa garm hogaa nekokaar is se baa.aasaanii guzar jaa.ainge aur badkaar kaT kaT kar jahannum me.n gir pa.Denge
  • (majaazan) bahut mushkil aur dushvaar guzaar raasta

Related searched words


move, motion, movement, agitation


movements, trembling, gestures

jumbish denaa

move, shake

jumbish honaa

ہلنا، حرکت کرنا

jumbish khaanaa

to feel dizzy, to move

jumbish na karnaa

to stuck in a place, to be frozen

jumbish na khaanaa

to be in motion, do not move


پانی کی حرکت

jumbish men aanaa

get into a state of motion or action, become active, be stirred up, be roused or be excited


the movement of tongue

jumbish men honaa

رک : جنْبش میں آنا .


the movements of palate and mouth both


motion of eye


movement of eyebrows, a signal, innuendo

qalam jumbish me.n aanaa

to begin writing, start writing

aasmaan ko jumbish honaa

تہلکہ مچنا، ہل چل مچنا

rag-e-Gairat jumbish me.n aanaa

for one's conscience to awaken

Showing search results for: English meaning of pulsiraat, English meaning of pulsirat

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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