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Showing results for "numaa.ish-gaah"


appearing, arising, springing up


grace, glory, auspicious appearance, happiness, manifestation of favour


reign, manifestation, appearance

zuhuur honaa

z̤āhir honā , , and see z̤uhūr pānā .

zuhuur denaa

آشکارا کرنا، ظاہر کرنا

zuhuur paanaa

to become apparent or manifest, to appear

zuhuur karnaa

ظاہر ہونا، نمودار ہونا

zuhuur khulnaa

ظاہر ہونا، معلوم ہونا

zuhuur paka.Dnaa

arise, appear, emerge

zuhuur napaanaa

ظاہر ہونا، وجود میں آنا



zuhuur me.n aanaa

to come into being, to arise to appear

zuhuur me.n laanaa

bring forward, bring in public


appearance of the world

zuhuur-paziir honaa

to manifest, to appear, to arise, to come to pass


birth of any pious person


the place of boom, the place of glory, the place of showing


appearance of the world of self


slight manifestation, a little appearance


dawn, daybreak, day-spring


intoxicated by manifestation


famous, popular, honorable, venerated, acclaimed, celebrated

taKHt par zuhuur karnaa

رک : تخت پر بیٹھنا ، اجلاس کے لیے تخت سلطنت پر جلوہ افروز ہونا .

maa'riz-e-zuhuur me.n aanaa

bring to light

nuur-e-zuhuur kaa ta.Dkaa

dawn, daybreak

roz-e-zuhuur se roz-e-nushuur tak

From pre-eternity to the Day of Resurrection

roz-e-zuhuur se roz-e-aaKHir tak

From pre-eternity to the Day of Resurrection

nuur-e-zuhuur kaa vaqt

the daybreak, dawn

nuur-e-zuhuur ke ta.Dke

علی الصبح ، بہت سویرے ، پو پھٹے ، من٘ھ اندھیرے ۔

zaraa zahuur

تھوڑا بہت، کسی قدر، کچھ


openly, publicly, in public, overtly, boldly, overtly

nuur-e-zuhuur ke vaqt

علی الصبح، بہت سویرے، پوپھٹے

Meaning ofSee meaning numaa.ish-gaah in English, Hindi & Urdu


नुमाइश-गाहنُمائِش گاہ

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 12221

English meaning of numaa.ish-gaah

Noun, Feminine

  • exhibition ground, museum, any place where something is displayed
  • exhibition place, exhibition hall

Sher Examples

नुमाइश-गाह के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • फा. स्त्री. वह स्थान जहाँ नुमाइश लगी हो ।
  • वह स्थान जहाँ अनेक प्रकार की उत्तम और अद्भुत वस्तुएं इकट्ठी कर के दिखाई जाती हैं

نُمائِش گاہ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • وہ جگہ جہاں نمائش لگائی جائے، تماشے کی جگہ خصوصاً وہ جہاں مال و اسباب، مصنوعات اور فن پاروں کو دکھانے یا فروخت کے لیے رکھا جائے نیز سیر کی جگہ
  • وہ جگہ جہاں نمائش ہو

Urdu meaning of numaa.ish-gaah

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo jagah jahaa.n numaa.ish lagaa.ii jaaye, tamaashe kii jagah Khusuusan vo jahaa.n maal-o-asbaab, masnuu.aat aur fan paaro.n ko dikhaane ya faroKhat ke li.e rakhaa jaaye niiz sair kii jagah
  • vo jagah jahaa.n numaa.ish ho

Related searched words


appearing, arising, springing up


grace, glory, auspicious appearance, happiness, manifestation of favour


reign, manifestation, appearance

zuhuur honaa

z̤āhir honā , , and see z̤uhūr pānā .

zuhuur denaa

آشکارا کرنا، ظاہر کرنا

zuhuur paanaa

to become apparent or manifest, to appear

zuhuur karnaa

ظاہر ہونا، نمودار ہونا

zuhuur khulnaa

ظاہر ہونا، معلوم ہونا

zuhuur paka.Dnaa

arise, appear, emerge

zuhuur napaanaa

ظاہر ہونا، وجود میں آنا



zuhuur me.n aanaa

to come into being, to arise to appear

zuhuur me.n laanaa

bring forward, bring in public


appearance of the world

zuhuur-paziir honaa

to manifest, to appear, to arise, to come to pass


birth of any pious person


the place of boom, the place of glory, the place of showing


appearance of the world of self


slight manifestation, a little appearance


dawn, daybreak, day-spring


intoxicated by manifestation


famous, popular, honorable, venerated, acclaimed, celebrated

taKHt par zuhuur karnaa

رک : تخت پر بیٹھنا ، اجلاس کے لیے تخت سلطنت پر جلوہ افروز ہونا .

maa'riz-e-zuhuur me.n aanaa

bring to light

nuur-e-zuhuur kaa ta.Dkaa

dawn, daybreak

roz-e-zuhuur se roz-e-nushuur tak

From pre-eternity to the Day of Resurrection

roz-e-zuhuur se roz-e-aaKHir tak

From pre-eternity to the Day of Resurrection

nuur-e-zuhuur kaa vaqt

the daybreak, dawn

nuur-e-zuhuur ke ta.Dke

علی الصبح ، بہت سویرے ، پو پھٹے ، من٘ھ اندھیرے ۔

zaraa zahuur

تھوڑا بہت، کسی قدر، کچھ


openly, publicly, in public, overtly, boldly, overtly

nuur-e-zuhuur ke vaqt

علی الصبح، بہت سویرے، پوپھٹے

Showing search results for: English meaning of numaaishgaah, English meaning of numaayishgaah

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