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Showing results for "muunis"


wise man, sage, man of intelligence or understanding, intelligent, wise, sensible


wise (woman)



intelligent, wisdom, ingenuity



in a wise manner, wisely, prudently


sage of the times

'aaqil raa ishaara bas

'aaqil dobaara fareb namii KHord

'aaqil raa ishaara kaafii ast

'aaqil ko ek harf bahut hai


eater, diner, partaker



wise ones of the city


wiser or wisest, the cleverest, the shrewdest

'aaqilaa.n raa ishaara kaafii ast

'aaqilaa.n raa ishaara bas


the scar of a wound on the bark of a tree


eaten, eating, eater




a wise listener, listener to a wise one

charaa kaar-e-kunad 'aaqil ki baaz aayad pashemaanii


knowledge, opinion

'aql dau.Daanaa

think, reason, consider

qul huvallaah pa.Dhnaa

to repeat the words qul huwaʼllāh , or say, God is One', to grumble (the bowels), to be hungry

'aql ke gho.De dau.Daanaa

exercise one's mind, think

'aql u.Daanaa

'aql paka.Dnaa

'aql uu.nchii cha.Dnaa

'aql u.Dnaa

'aql la.Daanaa

'aql bu.Dhiyaa

'aql par patthar pa.De.n

'aql chakkar me.n pa.Dnaa


wisdom tooth

a.nt.Diyo.n kaa qul huvallaah pa.Dhnaa

feel famished, be very hungry, be ravenous

'aql par patthar pa.Dnaa

lose one's sense

'aql par parda pa.Dnaa

'aql par zor pa.Dnaa

'aql ba.Dii honaa

'aql kii pu.Diyaa

'aql u.D jaanaa

'aql buu.Dhii honaa

aa.nte.n qul huvallaah pa.Dhne lagii.n

aa.nte.n qul huvallaah pa.Dhtii hai.n

aa.nto.n kaa qul huvallaah pa.Dhnaa

feel very hungry

'aql ke baKHiye udhe.Dnaa





'aql par parda pa.D jaanaa

act foolishly

'aql ba.Dii yaa bhai.ns

'aql ba.Dii ki bhai.ns

havaa.ii qilaa'

air fortress

qaul to.Dnaa

break one's word or promise, go back on one's words

qul pa.Dhnaa

'aql rafuu-chakkar honaa


Meaning ofSee meaning muunis in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22

Word Family: a-n-s

English meaning of muunis

Noun, Masculine

  • consoler
  • intimate friend, empathiser
  • intimate friend, companion

Sher Examples

मूनिस के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • एकांत में मित्रता निभाने वाला, सुख देने वाला, साथी, दोस्त, यार
  • मित्र, दोस्त, साथी, रफ़ीक़ ।।


  • मित्र, सखा, दोस्त ।
  • मित्र, दोस्त, साथी, रफ़ीक़ ।।

مُونِس کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • معاون، مددگار، ہمدم، دوست، یار، ساتھی، انیس، جس سے انسیت ہو
  • انس رکھنے والا، میل جول رکھنے والا
  • غمخوار، ہم دم
  • صفت۔ اُنس رکھنے والا، آرام دینے والا، ساتھی، دوست۔ یار

Compound words of muunis

Showing search results for: English meaning of moonis, English meaning of munis

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