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Showing results for "muhazzab"


move, motion, movement, agitation


movements, trembling, gestures

jumbish denaa

move, shake

jumbish honaa

ہلنا، حرکت کرنا

jumbish khaanaa

to feel dizzy, to move

jumbish na karnaa

to stuck in a place, to be frozen

jumbish na khaanaa

to be in motion, do not move


پانی کی حرکت

jumbish men aanaa

get into a state of motion or action, become active, be stirred up, be roused or be excited


the movement of tongue

jumbish men honaa

رک : جنْبش میں آنا .


the movements of palate and mouth both


motion of eye


movement of eyebrows, a signal, innuendo

qalam jumbish me.n aanaa

to begin writing, start writing

aasmaan ko jumbish honaa

تہلکہ مچنا، ہل چل مچنا

rag-e-Gairat jumbish me.n aanaa

for one's conscience to awaken

Meaning ofSee meaning muhazzab in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Word Family: h-z-b

English meaning of muhazzab


  • civilized, cultured, well-mannered, well-behaved
  • good, sincere, upright, free from vice
  • improved
  • emended, corrected, refined (writings)
  • polite
  • adorned, trimmed
  • (Metaphorically) influenced by West

Sher Examples

मुहज़्ज़ब के हिंदी अर्थ


  • सभ्य, संस्कारी, शिष्टाचारी
  • शिष्ट; सभ्य
  • सभ्य, शिष्ट, तमीज़दार, नागरिक, शही, शिक्षित, तालीमयाफ्ता, अदब क़ाइदे का खयाल रखनेवाला, शाइस्ता, शिष्ट, सुशील, विनीत, खुशखुल्क, संस्कृत, आरास्ता
  • शिक्षित
  • नागरिक
  • विनीत; सुसंस्कृत

مُہَذَّب کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • تہذیب یافتہ، متمدن، تربیت یافتہ، شائستہ، جس کی تہذیب کی گئی ہو، باسلیقہ
  • جو تہذیب کے دائرے میں ہو‏، تہذیب والا
  • ترقی یافتہ لوگوں کی سی سوچ اور تمدن رکھنے والا فرد یا معاشرہ وغیرہ
  • غلطیوں یا برائیوں سے پاک اور خوبیوں سے آراستہ سجا ہوا، تنقیح کردہ
  • (مجازاً) مغرب زدہ، نئی تہذیب کا دلدادہ

Urdu meaning of muhazzab

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • tahaziib yaaftaa, mutmaddim, tarbiiyat yaaftaa, shaa.ista, jis kii tahaziib kii ga.ii ho, baasliiqaa
  • jo tahaziib ke daayre me.n ho, tahaziib vaala
  • taraqqii yaaftaa logo.n kii sii soch aur tamaddun rakhne vaala fard ya mu.aashraa vaGaira
  • Galtiiyo.n ya buraa.iiyo.n se paak aur Khuubiiyo.n se aaraasta saja hu.a, tanqiih karda
  • (majaazan) maGirabazdaa, na.ii tahaziib ka dildaadaa

Synonyms of muhazzab

Compound words of muhazzab

Related searched words


move, motion, movement, agitation


movements, trembling, gestures

jumbish denaa

move, shake

jumbish honaa

ہلنا، حرکت کرنا

jumbish khaanaa

to feel dizzy, to move

jumbish na karnaa

to stuck in a place, to be frozen

jumbish na khaanaa

to be in motion, do not move


پانی کی حرکت

jumbish men aanaa

get into a state of motion or action, become active, be stirred up, be roused or be excited


the movement of tongue

jumbish men honaa

رک : جنْبش میں آنا .


the movements of palate and mouth both


motion of eye


movement of eyebrows, a signal, innuendo

qalam jumbish me.n aanaa

to begin writing, start writing

aasmaan ko jumbish honaa

تہلکہ مچنا، ہل چل مچنا

rag-e-Gairat jumbish me.n aanaa

for one's conscience to awaken

Showing search results for: English meaning of muhajjab

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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