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verse, poem

Meaning ofSee meaning masnavii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 212

Root word: sanii

Tags: Poetry

English meaning of masnavii

Noun, Feminine

  • poetry consisting of distichs corresponding in measure, each consisting of a pair of rhymes (besides which the distichs have distinct poetical endings); heroic verse
  • the poem of Jalaluʼd-din Moḥammadul-Balḵẖi, commonly called Maulavi Rumi, who composed about A.H. 600, and whose work is regarded by his followers as of equal authority with the Quran)

Sher Examples

मसनवी के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • मौलाना जलालुद्दीन रूमी का प्रख्यात काव्य संग्रह
  • उर्दू पद्य की एक क़िस्म, जिसमें कोई कहानी या उपदेश एक ही वृत्त में होता है और उसका हर शेर दूसरे शेर से रदीफ़ क़ाफ़िए में नहीं मिलता, और हर शेर के दोनों मित्रं सानुप्रास होते हैं

مَثْنَوی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • مولانا روم کی مشہور و معروف مثنوی
  • وہ مسلسل ہم وزن اشعار کی نظم جس کی ہر بیت کا قافیہ جدا اور بیت کے دونوں مصرعے ہم قافیہ ہوتے ہیں، کل مثنوی ایک ہی وزن میں ہوتی ہے اور اس کے اشعار کی تعداد مقرر نہیں، مثنوی بحر ہزج، رمل، سریع، خفیف، متقارب، متدارک وغیرہ بحروں میں کہی جاتی ہے

Urdu meaning of masnavii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • maulaanaa rum kii mashhuur-o-maaruuf masnavii
  • vo musalsal hamavzan ashaar kii nazam jis kii har bait ka qaafiyaa judaa aur bait ke dono.n misre ham qaafiyaa hote hain, kal masnavii ek hii vazan me.n hotii hai aur is ke ashaar kii taadaad muqarrar nahiin, masnavii bahr hazaj, ramal, sariia, Khafiif, mutkaarib, mutadaarik vaGaira bahro.n me.n kahii jaatii hai

Interesting Information on masnavii

The chief object of the genre “Marsiya (Elegy)” of Urdu poetry is to express mourning. Marsiya deals with an important event in Islamic history, the episode of Karbala in Iraq and the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. Mir Anis brought Urdu Marsiya to its pinnacle. His Marsiyas are as deeply rooted in Arab history as they are etched in his way of presenting the Indian society, especially the customs, traditions and parlance of Lucknow. In Anis’s Marsiyas, male characters are seen wearing Arabic head-gear, robes and garments. There is also the mention of Arabic weapons and animals in the battlefield, but Indian weapons too make the scene. Amidst scorching desert of Iraq, an Indianness reflects in his rendition of seasons, days, and nights. Mir Anis has portrayed the hopes, aspirations, wishes, demeanors, tone, dialect, idioms and emotional attitudes of Indian women in such a way that there is no match to it in the whole of Urdu poetry. In one of his famous Marsiyas, Imam Hussain's sister blesses her sister-in-law at Karbala in a purely Indian way: Baano-e-Nek-Naam ki khetii harii rahe Sandal se maang bachho.n se godii bharii rahe

Author: Azra Naqvi

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