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Showing results for "mard kaa naukar mare baras bhar me.n, ranDii kaa naukar mare chha mahiine me.n"




the dialect which is used by women


the language which is special for women, the language which used by women only


وہ گاڑی جس میں صرف عورتیں بیٹھیں


women's wear, ladies wear, ladies dress


the source of travel reserve for women like sedan, palanquin etc


a man who resembles a woman in his dress and speech and mannerisms

zanaanii Dev.Dhii

the porch which is lead to women apartment

Meaning ofSee meaning mard kaa naukar mare baras bhar me.n, ranDii kaa naukar mare chha mahiine me.n in English, Hindi & Urdu

mard kaa naukar mare baras bhar me.n, ranDii kaa naukar mare chha mahiine me.n

मर्द का नौकर मरे बरस भर में, रंडी का नौकर मरे छ महीने मेंمَرْد کا نَوکَر مَرے بَرَس بَھر میں، رَنْڈی کا نَوکَر مَرے چَھ مَہِینے میں


मर्द का नौकर मरे बरस भर में, रंडी का नौकर मरे छ महीने में के हिंदी अर्थ

  • महिला नौकरों से बहुत काम लेती है
  • महिला के नौकर को अधिक काम करना पड़ता है

مَرْد کا نَوکَر مَرے بَرَس بَھر میں، رَنْڈی کا نَوکَر مَرے چَھ مَہِینے میں کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • عورت ملازموں سے بہت کام لیتی ہے
  • عورت کے ملازم کو زیادہ کام کرنا پڑتا ہے

Urdu meaning of mard kaa naukar mare baras bhar me.n, ranDii kaa naukar mare chha mahiine me.n

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • aurat mulaazimo.n se bahut kaam letii hai
  • aurat ke mulaazim ko zyaadaa kaam karnaa pa.Dtaa hai

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the dialect which is used by women


the language which is special for women, the language which used by women only


وہ گاڑی جس میں صرف عورتیں بیٹھیں


women's wear, ladies wear, ladies dress


the source of travel reserve for women like sedan, palanquin etc


a man who resembles a woman in his dress and speech and mannerisms

zanaanii Dev.Dhii

the porch which is lead to women apartment

Showing search results for: English meaning of mard ka naukar mare baras bhar men, English meaning of randee ka naukar mare chha maheene men

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mard kaa naukar mare baras bhar me.n, ranDii kaa naukar mare chha mahiine me.n

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