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Meaning ofSee meaning maidaan-e-hashr in English, Hindi & Urdu
English meaning of maidaan-e-hashr
Noun, Masculine
- field or arena of doomsday, place where on the day of resurrection entire mankind will assemble
- ( Metaphorically) an open field (without buildings);an extensive plain;a plain, field, lawn, area
- ( Metaphorically) any place for exercise or walking, a parade, gathering
- ( Metaphorically) a field of battle, war, battle, conflict
Sher Examples
ā.eñge be-shumār farishte azaab ke
maidān-e-hashr ġhair kī turbat meñ chāhiye
aaenge be-shumar farishte azab ke
maidan-e-hashr ghair ki turbat mein chahiye
ai shaiḳh kyā Darātā hai maidān-e-hashr se
ham bandagān-e-ḳhalq bhī bande ḳhudā ke haiñ
ai shaiKH kya Daraata hai maidan-e-hashr se
hum bandagan-e-KHalq bhi bande KHuda ke hain
huzūr yaad hai maidān-e-hashr kā va.ada
kahīñ vahāñ bhī mirī aañkh DhūñDhtī na rahe
huzur yaad hai maidan-e-hashr ka wada
kahin wahan bhi meri aankh DhunDhti na rahe
मैदान-ए-हश्र के हिंदी अर्थ
संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग
- वह स्थान जहाँ पुनरुत्थान के दिन पूरी मानव जाति इकट्ठा होगी, क़ियामत का मैदान जहाँ मुसलमानों के मतानुसार सबका हिसाब-किताब होगा
- (लाक्षणिक) विशाल क्षेत्र या मैदान
- (लाक्षणिक) वो स्थान जहाँ बहुत लोग इकट्ठा हों या निवास करें
- (लाक्षणिक) लड़ाई-झगडे एवं फसाद का क्षेत्र या स्थान
مَیدان حَشر کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
اسم، مذکر
- وہ جگہ یا مقام جہاں قیامت کے دن تمام خلقت حساب کتاب کے لیے جمع ہو گی، حشر کا میدان
- (مجازاً) نہایت و سیع علاقہ
- (مجازاً) وہ جگہ جہاں لوگ بکثرت جمع یا سکونت پذیر ہوں
- (مجازاً) جنگ و جدال یا فسادات کی جگہ یا علاقہ
Urdu meaning of maidaan-e-hashr
- Roman
- Urdu
- vo jagah ya muqaam jahaa.n qiyaamat ke din tamaam Khalqat hisaab kitaab ke li.e jamaa hogii, hashr ka maidaan
- (majaazan) nihaayat-o-sev ilaaqa
- (majaazan) vo jagah jahaa.n log bakasrat jamaa ya sukuunat paziir huu.n
- (majaazan) jang-o-jadaal ya fasaadaad kii jagah ya ilaaqa
Related searched words
belonging to another country, foreigner, stranger, one who travels a lot, wanderer, Alien, absentee lover or beloved
pardesii kii piit ko sab kaa jii lalchaay, du.ii baat kaa khoT hai rahe na le jaay
پردیسی کی محبت میں دو باتوں کا نقصان ہے کہ نہ تو وہ رہتا ہے نہ ساتھ لے جاتا ہے
pardesii kii piit ko sab kaa jii lalchaay, do hii baato.n kaa khoT hai rahe na le jaay
پردیسی کی محبت میں دو باتوں کا نقصان ہے کہ نہ تو وہ رہتا ہے نہ ساتھ لے جاتا ہے
pardesii balam terii aas nahii.n, baasii phuulo.n me.n baas nahii.n
a husband living in a foreign land is not faithful just as stale flowers have no fragrance
a song sung in the eastern region that mentions the revelations of her beloved in relation to husband who is living as migrant, in which every stanza's has the word 'Pardesiya'
baasii phuulo.n me.n baas nahii.n, pardesii baalam terii aas nahii.n
a husband living in a foreign land is not faithful just as stale flowers have no fragrance
baasii phuulo.n baas nahii.n pardesii balam kii aas nahii.n
a husband living in a foreign land is not faithful just as stale flowers have no fragrance
Showing search results for: English meaning of maidaanehashr, English meaning of maidanehashr
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