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Showing results for "maah-e-tamaam"


decoration, ornament

phabtii kahnaa

to make fun of, poke fun

phabtii go

taunting, jeering (person), laugh on other

phabtii kasnaa

رک: پھبتی کہنا.

phabtii sunaanaa

رک: پھبتی اُڑانا

phabtii suujhnaa

come up with an apt taunt

phabtii jamaanaa

رک: پھبتی کہنا.

phabtii u.Daa denaa

(پر کے ساتھ) تمسخر کرنا، بنْسی اُڑانا.

phabtii honaa

To be called funny or sarcastic simile

phabtiyaa.n kahnaa

ظرافت سے تشبیہ دینا، ہنسی اُڑانا

phabtii u.Daanaa

utter a jest, make fun of, telling about someone something which is absolutely true for him

phabtii suujnaa

۔ٹھیک تشبیہ خیال میں آنا ؎

phabtiyaa.n kasnaa

رک: پھبتی کسنا.

phabtiyaa.n u.Daanaa

رک: پھبتی اُڑانا.

phabtiyaa.n chhaa.nTnaa

رک: پھبتی اُڑانا.


taunts, jeers

jo kuch kaho so phabtii hai

جو کہا جائے زیبا ہے

Meaning ofSee meaning maah-e-tamaam in English, Hindi & Urdu


माह-ए-तमामماہِ تَمام

Vazn : 22121

English meaning of maah-e-tamaam

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Masculine

  • full moon

Sher Examples

माह-ए-तमाम के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • पूरा चाँद, चौधवीं रात का चाँद

ماہِ تَمام کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی - اسم، مذکر

  • پورا چاند، چودھویں رات کا چاند، بدر

Urdu meaning of maah-e-tamaam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • puura chaand, chaudhvii.n raat ka chaand, badar

Interesting Information on maah-e-tamaam

The moon that appears from the first to the seventh day of a month is called ‘Hilaal’, afterwards, it’s called ‘Qamar’, and finally, the full moon is known to be as ‘Badr’. The moon has other names, too, like ‘Mah’, ‘Maah’, ‘Mah-Taab’, and ’Maah-Taab’ which radiate the court-yard of Urdu poetry with their moon-light. Parwin Shakir’s Kulliyat, or complete works, is titled ‘Maah-e-Tamaam’. In this title, the word ‘Maah’ is Persian, and ‘Tamaam’, which means completed of finished off, is Arabic. Uncommonly, Parwin, aged just 34, had published her Kulliyat in 1994. Unfortunately, the tide of time saw her die in a car accident the same year. Two years into this tragedy, her last collection of poems named ‘Kaf-e-Aaina’ was published under the observance of her elder sister. Parwin was compiling this collection right before her death and its name was proposed by her, too.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Related searched words


decoration, ornament

phabtii kahnaa

to make fun of, poke fun

phabtii go

taunting, jeering (person), laugh on other

phabtii kasnaa

رک: پھبتی کہنا.

phabtii sunaanaa

رک: پھبتی اُڑانا

phabtii suujhnaa

come up with an apt taunt

phabtii jamaanaa

رک: پھبتی کہنا.

phabtii u.Daa denaa

(پر کے ساتھ) تمسخر کرنا، بنْسی اُڑانا.

phabtii honaa

To be called funny or sarcastic simile

phabtiyaa.n kahnaa

ظرافت سے تشبیہ دینا، ہنسی اُڑانا

phabtii u.Daanaa

utter a jest, make fun of, telling about someone something which is absolutely true for him

phabtii suujnaa

۔ٹھیک تشبیہ خیال میں آنا ؎

phabtiyaa.n kasnaa

رک: پھبتی کسنا.

phabtiyaa.n u.Daanaa

رک: پھبتی اُڑانا.

phabtiyaa.n chhaa.nTnaa

رک: پھبتی اُڑانا.


taunts, jeers

jo kuch kaho so phabtii hai

جو کہا جائے زیبا ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of maahetamaam, English meaning of mahetamam

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