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Showing results for "lau-laaka-lama-KHalaqtul-aflaak"
Meaning ofSee meaning lau-laaka-lama-KHalaqtul-aflaak in English, Hindi & Urdu
English meaning of lau-laaka-lama-KHalaqtul-aflaak
- Had it not been thee (Muhammad) I would not have created the world
लौ-लाका-लमा-ख़लक़तुल-अफ़लाक के हिंदी अर्थ
- “अगर तुम (मुहम्मद) नहीं होते तो मैं दुनिया की रचना नहीं करता
لَوْ لاکَ لَما خَلَقْتُ الْاَفْلاکْ کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
- اگر تم (محمدؐ) نہیں ہوتے تو میں دنیا کی تخلیق نہیں کرتا
Urdu meaning of lau-laaka-lama-KHalaqtul-aflaak
- Roman
- Urdu
- agar tum (mahamada.i) nahii.n hote to me.n duniyaa kii taKhliiq nahii.n kartaa
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some thinks that if we wake up in the morning and see the face of a lucky person, all the work gets done correct-fully and if you see the miser or the unfortunate, then all the work gets spoiled
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desert of the doomsday, field or arena of doomsday, place where on the day of resurrection entire mankind will assemble
saharii bhii na khaa.uu.n to kaafir na ho jaa.uu.n
ایک ماما سحری کھا لیتی تھی روزہ نہ رکھتی تھی ، ایک دن مالک نے پوچھا تو یہ جواب دیا ، یعنی دین کی مطلب کی بات مان لی اور تکلیف کی بات چھوڑ دی.
Showing search results for: English meaning of laulaakalamakhalaktulaflaak, English meaning of laulaakalamakhalaqtulaflaak
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