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Showing results for "KHaliyyaatii-Hauz"


connected with the cells of a plant or animal, related to cell, cellular

KHaliyyaatii laun-daana

(حیاتیات) ایک تنفسی رنگ جو ہوائی تنفس والے جسیموں میں کثرت سے پایا جاتا ہے


cell wall


(Biology) a space that contains air or liquid inside a living cell, often storing an important chemical or food substance, vacuole


(Biology) the idea that plants and animals are all made up of cells

Meaning ofSee meaning KHaliyyaatii-Hauz in English, Hindi & Urdu


ख़लिय्याती-हौज़خَلِیَّاتی حَوْض

Origin: Arabic

English meaning of KHaliyyaatii-Hauz

Noun, Masculine

  • (Biology) a space that contains air or liquid inside a living cell, often storing an important chemical or food substance, vacuole

ख़लिय्याती-हौज़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • (जीवविज्ञान) एक कोशिका द्रव्य के भीतर एक स्थान या पेटिका, जो एक झिल्ली से घिरा होता है और प्रायः द्रव युक्त होता है

خَلِیَّاتی حَوْض کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • (حیاتیات) کسی عضو یا خلیے میں باریک جوف جس میں ہوا یا سیال شے ہو

Urdu meaning of KHaliyyaatii-Hauz

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (hayaatyaat) kisii uzuu ya Khalii.e me.n baariik jof jis me.n hu.a ya syaal shaiy ho

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connected with the cells of a plant or animal, related to cell, cellular

KHaliyyaatii laun-daana

(حیاتیات) ایک تنفسی رنگ جو ہوائی تنفس والے جسیموں میں کثرت سے پایا جاتا ہے


cell wall


(Biology) a space that contains air or liquid inside a living cell, often storing an important chemical or food substance, vacuole


(Biology) the idea that plants and animals are all made up of cells

Showing search results for: English meaning of khaliyyaateehauz, English meaning of khaliyyaatihauj

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