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Showing results for "kar to Dar nahii.n , KHudaa ke Gazab se Dar"


turning a deaf ear, dodging, disregarding, overlooking, winking or conniving at, fighting shy of, shyness, backwardness, reserve


appraise, cause to be appraised, ask to determine the price or worth of


to remove disease or pain by spells and incantations


آنا کانی


رک : آنی بانی.

aanaa kaanii denaa

to wittingly put off something

aanaa kaanii karnaa

turn a deaf ear to, pass by, make light of (something), trifle with, connive at, disregard, shuffle, pay no heed

Meaning ofSee meaning kar to Dar nahii.n , KHudaa ke Gazab se Dar in English, Hindi & Urdu

kar to Dar nahii.n , KHudaa ke Gazab se Dar

कर तो डर नहीं , ख़ुदा के ग़ज़ब से डरکَر تو ڈَر نَہِیں ، خُدا کے غَضَب سے ڈَر


See meaning: kar to Dar na kar to Dar

कर तो डर नहीं , ख़ुदा के ग़ज़ब से डर के हिंदी अर्थ

  • रुक : कर तो डर ना कर तो डर

کَر تو ڈَر نَہِیں ، خُدا کے غَضَب سے ڈَر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • رک : کر تو ڈر نہ کر تو ڈر .

Urdu meaning of kar to Dar nahii.n , KHudaa ke Gazab se Dar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ruk ha kar to Dar na kar to Dar

Related searched words


turning a deaf ear, dodging, disregarding, overlooking, winking or conniving at, fighting shy of, shyness, backwardness, reserve


appraise, cause to be appraised, ask to determine the price or worth of


to remove disease or pain by spells and incantations


آنا کانی


رک : آنی بانی.

aanaa kaanii denaa

to wittingly put off something

aanaa kaanii karnaa

turn a deaf ear to, pass by, make light of (something), trifle with, connive at, disregard, shuffle, pay no heed

Showing search results for: English meaning of kar to dar naheen, English meaning of khuda ke gazab se dar

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kar to Dar nahii.n , KHudaa ke Gazab se Dar

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