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Showing results for "jo saadhuu kii maane baat, rahe aanand vo din raat"


brilliance, luster, shine, bright

aab-daarii denaa

to polish, shine, make glossy, burnish, brighten


the person in charge of drinking water, the men who care off the canal water for irrigation, the man who managed the drinking items of a king. a servant appointed on serving of water and drinks

Meaning ofSee meaning jo saadhuu kii maane baat, rahe aanand vo din raat in English, Hindi & Urdu

jo saadhuu kii maane baat, rahe aanand vo din raat

जो साधू की माने बात, रहे आनंद वो दिन रातجو سادُھو کی مانے بات، رَہے آنَند وہ دِن رات

Also Read As : jo saadhuu kii maane baat, aanand rahe din raat


जो साधू की माने बात, रहे आनंद वो दिन रात के हिंदी अर्थ

  • जो नेक एवं श्रेष्ठ लोगों के सदुपदेश माने वो सदैव आराम से रहेगा
  • सज्जन पुरुष की बात माननी चाहिए

جو سادُھو کی مانے بات، رَہے آنَند وہ دِن رات کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • جو نیک آدمیوں کی نصیحت مانے وہ ہمیشہ آرام سے رہے گا
  • بھلے شخص کی بات ماننی چاہیے

Urdu meaning of jo saadhuu kii maane baat, rahe aanand vo din raat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jo nek aadmiiyo.n kii nasiihat maane vo hamesha aaraam se rahegaa
  • bhale shaKhs kii baat maannii chaahi.e

Related searched words


brilliance, luster, shine, bright

aab-daarii denaa

to polish, shine, make glossy, burnish, brighten


the person in charge of drinking water, the men who care off the canal water for irrigation, the man who managed the drinking items of a king. a servant appointed on serving of water and drinks

Showing search results for: English meaning of jo saadhoo ki maane baat, English meaning of rahe aanand vo din raat

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