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Showing results for "jhuuT chaahe bhes sach kahe me.n na.ngaa bhalaa"


brilliance, luster, shine, bright

aab-daarii denaa

to polish, shine, make glossy, burnish, brighten


the person in charge of drinking water, the men who care off the canal water for irrigation, the man who managed the drinking items of a king. a servant appointed on serving of water and drinks

Meaning ofSee meaning jhuuT chaahe bhes sach kahe me.n na.ngaa bhalaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

jhuuT chaahe bhes sach kahe me.n na.ngaa bhalaa

झूट चाहे भेस सच कहे में नंगा भलाجُھوٹ چاہے بھیس سَچ کَہے میں نَنگا بَھلا


झूट चाहे भेस सच कहे में नंगा भला के हिंदी अर्थ

  • झूट बोलने वाले को बहुत सी बातें बनानी पड़ती हैं, सच्चा साफ़ बात कह देता है

جُھوٹ چاہے بھیس سَچ کَہے میں نَنگا بَھلا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • جھوٹ بولنے والے کو بہت سی باتیں بنانی پڑتی ہیں ، سچّا صاف بات کہہ دیتا ہے .

Urdu meaning of jhuuT chaahe bhes sach kahe me.n na.ngaa bhalaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jhuuT bolne vaale ko bahut sii baate.n banaanii pa.Dtii hai.n, sachchaa saaf baat kah detaa hai

Related searched words


brilliance, luster, shine, bright

aab-daarii denaa

to polish, shine, make glossy, burnish, brighten


the person in charge of drinking water, the men who care off the canal water for irrigation, the man who managed the drinking items of a king. a servant appointed on serving of water and drinks

Showing search results for: English meaning of jhoot chaahe bhes sach kahe men nangaa bhalaa, English meaning of jhoot chahe bhes sach kahe men nanga bhala

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jhuuT chaahe bhes sach kahe me.n na.ngaa bhalaa

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