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Showing results for "jafaa"


helplessness, powerlessness


helplessness, powerlessness


backside of anything


backside of anything


submissive, polite, down to earth

'ijz vaalaa

gracious, in a distressed state, broken down in health

'ijz karnaa

to request, to behave politely




modesty of courage


modesty, humility


inability to express (fully), lack of communication, lack of expression


poetic weakness, lack of sentiments in poetical language and expressions


humility, submission, humbleness, submissiveness, modesty


related to 'mansoob', helpless, dejected, hopeless


submissiveness, lowliness, humility


related to backside, related to buttock

'ijz honaa

کسی کام کے کرنے پر قدرت نہ ہونا، نا رسائی ہونا


look, glance, regard of modesty


description of weakness, modest description


value of modesty


modesty and humility


trustee of the dignity of humility and supplication


عاجزی سے، انکساری کے ساتھ

Meaning ofSee meaning jafaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Persian

Vazn : 12

Tags: Sufism

English meaning of jafaa

Noun, Feminine

  • oppression, injustice, cruelty, violence, injury, hardship

    Example Jafaa karne valon ka kabhi bhi koi achcha anjaam nahin hota, kyunki zulm aur sitam ke khilaf hamesha aavaaz uthayi jati hai

  • (Sufism) depriving the devotee's heart of divine vision
  • violence of religious principles

Explanatory Video

Sher Examples

जफ़ा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • अत्याचार, अन्याय, अनीति, सितम, ज़ुल्म, ज़्यादती

    उदाहरण जफ़ा करने वालों का कभी भी कोई अच्छा अंजाम नहीं होता, क्यूँकि ज़ुल्म और सितम के ख़िलाफ़ हमेशा आवाज़ उठाई जाती है

  • (सूफ़ीवाद) साधक के हृदय को दिव्य-दर्शन से वंचित रखना
  • धर्म द्वारा सिद्धांत का उल्लंघन

جَفا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • ظلم، ستم، زیادتی، ناانصافی

    مثال جفا کرنے والوں کا کبھی بھی کوئی اچھا انجام نہیں ہوتا، کیونکہ ظلم اور ستم کے خلاف ہمیشہ آواز اٹھائی جاتی ہے۔

  • (تصوف) سالک کے دل کو مشاہدے سے باز رکھنا
  • مذہب کی رو سے اصول کی خلاف ورزی

Urdu meaning of jafaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • zulam, sitam, zyaadtii, na insaafii
  • (tasavvuf) saalik ke dil ko mushaahide se baaz rakhnaa
  • mazhab kii ro se usuul kii Khilaafavarzii

Synonyms of jafaa

Related searched words


helplessness, powerlessness


helplessness, powerlessness


backside of anything


backside of anything


submissive, polite, down to earth

'ijz vaalaa

gracious, in a distressed state, broken down in health

'ijz karnaa

to request, to behave politely




modesty of courage


modesty, humility


inability to express (fully), lack of communication, lack of expression


poetic weakness, lack of sentiments in poetical language and expressions


humility, submission, humbleness, submissiveness, modesty


related to 'mansoob', helpless, dejected, hopeless


submissiveness, lowliness, humility


related to backside, related to buttock

'ijz honaa

کسی کام کے کرنے پر قدرت نہ ہونا، نا رسائی ہونا


look, glance, regard of modesty


description of weakness, modest description


value of modesty


modesty and humility


trustee of the dignity of humility and supplication


عاجزی سے، انکساری کے ساتھ

Showing search results for: English meaning of jafa, English meaning of japha

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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