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Showing results for "'ishq-e-majaazii se 'ishq-e-haqiiqii paidaa hotaa hai"


dark, darkness, obscurity, night of conjunction of sun and moon, moonless and dark night, pitch dark, black


dark night, very dark night

Meaning ofSee meaning 'ishq-e-majaazii se 'ishq-e-haqiiqii paidaa hotaa hai in English, Hindi & Urdu

'ishq-e-majaazii se 'ishq-e-haqiiqii paidaa hotaa hai

'इश्क़-ए-मजाज़ी से 'इश्क़-ए-हक़ीक़ी पैदा होता हैعِشْقِ مَجازی سے عِشْقِ حَقِیْقی پَیدا ہوتا ہے

Also Read As : 'ishq-e-majaazii se 'ishq-e-haqiiqii haasil hotaa hai


'इश्क़-ए-मजाज़ी से 'इश्क़-ए-हक़ीक़ी पैदा होता है के हिंदी अर्थ

  • मानवप्रेम अर्थात नश्वरप्रेम अंत में ईश्वरप्रेम अर्थात वास्तविक प्रेम में परिवर्तित हो जाता है

عِشْقِ مَجازی سے عِشْقِ حَقِیْقی پَیدا ہوتا ہے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • انسان سے محبت یعنی مجازی محبت آخر میں خدا سے محبت یعنی حقیقی محبت میں بدل جاتی ہے

Urdu meaning of 'ishq-e-majaazii se 'ishq-e-haqiiqii paidaa hotaa hai

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • insaan se muhabbat yaanii majaazii muhabbat aaKhir me.n Khudaa se muhabbat yaanii haqiiqii muhabbat me.n badal jaatii hai

Related searched words


dark, darkness, obscurity, night of conjunction of sun and moon, moonless and dark night, pitch dark, black


dark night, very dark night

Showing search results for: English meaning of ishkemajaazi se ishkehakiki paidaa hotaa hai, English meaning of ishkemajazi se ishkehakiki paida hota hai

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'ishq-e-majaazii se 'ishq-e-haqiiqii paidaa hotaa hai

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