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Showing results for "imaam"


پیدا کرانا، بنانا، نکالنا


feminine, female quarters


feminine, female quarters


girls school or college


a physician or surgeon qualified to practice in gynecology, lady doctor, gynecologist




wearing women's costumes, the one who wear women's clothes so that no one considers him a man


women's apartment, women's ward


وہ شفاخانہ جہاں عورتوں کا علاج عورت ڈاکٹر کریں

zanaana darja

women's class of train etc. which is reserved for women

magazines that are special for women


girls school

bachcha janaanaa


zanaana karnaa

make a man eunuch by castrating

zanaana karaanaa

پردہ کرانا، مردوں کو ہٹا دینا

zanaana karvaanaa

پردہ کرانا، مردوں کو ہٹا دینا

baat janaanaa

بات بتانا ، بات جتانا.

savaarii kii savaarii zanaana saath

ہرطرح مشکل

huqqe kaa mazaa jisne zamaane me.n na jaana, vo mard muKHannas hai na 'aurat na zanaana

to said in the praise of huqqa (casket)

Meaning ofSee meaning imaam in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Plural: a.imma

English meaning of imaam

Noun, Masculine

  • one who stands before or is followed in prayers, minister or reader of a mosque
  • one who is followed or imitated, patriarch, priest
  • exemplar, guide, leader, head, head of a religion (and especially of the Mohammadan religion )
  • the title of Ali's (the son in law of Prophet Mohammad) son
  • any one of the twelve leaders of the Shiites
  • a large bead in a rosary (which remains fixed in the hand, and is not turned over in counting)
  • honorific title of an erudite scholar (generally of religious knowledge or any branch of it)
  • the flag or standard borne in procession before the taziya on the first ten days of Moharram

Sher Examples

इमाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • नमाज़ पढ़ाने वाला, जो नमाज़ में अग्रणि हो या संचालन कराए
  • मुसलमानों के धार्मिक कृत्य कराने वाला मनुष्य, धार्मिक नेता, पेशवा, पथ-प्रदर्शक, पुरोहित
  • नेता, अग्रसर, अगुआ
  • अली के बेटों की उपाधि
  • मुसलमानों की तसबीह या माला का सुमेर
  • किसी विशेष विद्या या कला का विशेषज्ञ
  • पताका या झंडा जो महर्रम के प्रांभिक दस दिनों में ताज़िया के जुलूस में आगे-आगे रहता है

اِمام کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • نماز پڑھانے والا، پیش امام
  • کسی جماعت کا مقتدا، پیشوا، رہبر
  • لیڈر، نیتا، سردار، اگوا
  • علی کے بیٹوں کا لقب: امام حسن، امام حسین
  • تسبیح میں لگائی جانے معمول سے زیادہ لمبی موتی جو تسبیح کے ایک گردش مکمل ہونے کی نشانی ہوتی ہے
  • کسی خاص علم یا فن کا ماہر
  • علم جو محرم کے ابتدائی دس دنوں میں تعزیہ کے جلوس میں پیش پیش رہتا ہے

Urdu meaning of imaam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • namaaz pa.Dhaane vaala, pesh imaam
  • kisii jamaat ka muqatidaa, peshvaa, rahbar
  • liiDar, netaa, sardaar, agvaa
  • alii ke beTo.n ka laqbah imaam husn, imaam husain
  • tasbiih me.n lagaa.ii jaane maamuul se zyaadaa lambii motii jo tasbiih ke ek gardish mukammal hone kii nishaanii hotii hai
  • kisii Khaas ilam ya fan ka maahir
  • ilam jo muharram ke ibatidaa.ii das dino.n me.n taaziyaa ke jaluus me.n pesh pesh rahtaa hai

Synonyms of imaam

Related searched words


پیدا کرانا، بنانا، نکالنا


feminine, female quarters


feminine, female quarters


girls school or college


a physician or surgeon qualified to practice in gynecology, lady doctor, gynecologist




wearing women's costumes, the one who wear women's clothes so that no one considers him a man


women's apartment, women's ward


وہ شفاخانہ جہاں عورتوں کا علاج عورت ڈاکٹر کریں

zanaana darja

women's class of train etc. which is reserved for women

magazines that are special for women


girls school

bachcha janaanaa


zanaana karnaa

make a man eunuch by castrating

zanaana karaanaa

پردہ کرانا، مردوں کو ہٹا دینا

zanaana karvaanaa

پردہ کرانا، مردوں کو ہٹا دینا

baat janaanaa

بات بتانا ، بات جتانا.

savaarii kii savaarii zanaana saath

ہرطرح مشکل

huqqe kaa mazaa jisne zamaane me.n na jaana, vo mard muKHannas hai na 'aurat na zanaana

to said in the praise of huqqa (casket)

Showing search results for: English meaning of imam

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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