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divine punishment for sins, punishment, chastisement


'azaab se

'azaab aanaa

'azaab honaa

'azaab denaa

punish, torment, torture

'azaab lenaa


punishment for sins that one suffers in grave

'azaab laanaa



'azaab rahnaa

'azaab karnaa

'azaab pa.Dnaa

'azaab sahnaa

'azaab kaTnaa

'azaab ban.naa


suffering that the deceased undergoes as in turn for his sins in the grave

'azaab dekhnaa


suffering that a person undergoes near the hour of death

'azaab TuuTnaa

'azaab lagaanaa

'azaab utarnaa

'azaab kamaanaa

'azaab jhelnaa


pain of vagrancy, nomadic existence



extreme torture

'azaab uThaanaa


Divine punishment


punishment for sins that one suffers in grave


The torture that results from the pressing of the grave

'azaab me.n aanaa

'azaab ban jaanaa

'azaab khii.nchnaa


he punishment of hell-fire

'azaab me.n rahnaa

'azaab me.n honaa

'azaab me.n pa.Dnaa

'azaab ba.Daa honaa

'azaab TuuT pa.Dnaa

'azaab mol lenaa

bring difficulties on oneself, invite trouble, land oneself in trouble

'azaab me.n Daalnaa

'azaab ke farishte

'azaab se chhuuTnaa

'azaab me.n pha.nsnaa

'azaab me.n bhaanaa

'azaab uThaa laanaa

'azaab bardaasht honaa

'azaab bardaasht karnaa

'azaab naazil honaa

have a visitation of or undergo divine punishment

'azaab se chhuuT jaanaa

'azaab kaa naazil honaa

'azaab me.n Daal denaa

'azaab se mu'azzab honaa

to be punished by God


(Figurative) punishment of hell

'azaab me.n giraftaar honaa

be caught in problems or difficulties

'azaab-e-ilaahii me.n giriftaar honaa

jaan kaa azaab

a burden of the life (a person or thing), feeling heavy with responsibility, troubles of the life



captive of punishment, suffering

Meaning ofSee meaning iflaas in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 221

See meaning: muflisii

Word Family: f-l-s

English meaning of iflaas

Noun, Masculine

Sher Examples

इफ़लास के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

اِفْلاس کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • مفلسی، تنگدستی، مالی محتاجی، کنگالی، غریبی، فقدان، محرومی، (کسی چیز کا کسی کے پاس) نہ ہونا

Antonyms of iflaas

Compound words of iflaas

Showing search results for: English meaning of iflas, English meaning of iphlaas

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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