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Showing results for "hisaab jau-jau baKHshish sau-sau"


the only pearl that comes out from oyster, the big pearl, the crown pearl, boring the ears, earring, secluded place, table or account statement


the only pearl that comes out from oyster, the big pearl, the crown pearl, boring the ears, earring, secluded place, table or statement

Meaning ofSee meaning hisaab jau-jau baKHshish sau-sau in English, Hindi & Urdu

hisaab jau-jau baKHshish sau-sau

हिसाब जौ-जौ बख़्शिश सौ-सौحِساب جَو جَو بَخْشِش سَو سَو


English meaning of hisaab jau-jau baKHshish sau-sau

  • munificence apart, account must be cleared

हिसाब जौ-जौ बख़्शिश सौ-सौ के हिंदी अर्थ

  • हिसाब तो एक-एक जौ का होना चाहिए भले ही इनाम में सैकड़ों रुपए मिल जाएं, यों इनआम देना हो तो चाहे जितना दे दे पर हिसाब ज़रा-ज़रा रक़म का भी करना चाहिए, आशय यह है कि सदा ईमानदार रहना चाहिए

حِساب جَو جَو بَخْشِش سَو سَو کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • معاملے میں کوڑی کوڑی کا حساب ہونا چاہیے، حساب میں ذرا سا فرق بھی نہ ہونا چاہئے اور انعام کا اختیار ہے چاہے جس قدر دے دو

Urdu meaning of hisaab jau-jau baKHshish sau-sau

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • mu.aamle me.n ko.Dii ko.Dii ka hisaab honaa chaahi.e, hisaab me.n zaraa saa farq bhii na honaa chaahii.e aur inaam ka iKhatiyaar hai chaahe jis qadar de do

Related searched words


the only pearl that comes out from oyster, the big pearl, the crown pearl, boring the ears, earring, secluded place, table or account statement


the only pearl that comes out from oyster, the big pearl, the crown pearl, boring the ears, earring, secluded place, table or statement

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