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Showing results for "har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat"


The eve of the 14th day of the month Shaban (on which a vigil is observed with prayers, feastings, illuminations and the Musalmans make offerings and oblations in the names (if not to the manes) of deceased ancestors, on this night the lives and fortunes of mortals during the coming year are said to be registered in heaven)

shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa

it is ritual among Muslims that on the day of Shabb-Barat they organize a "Fatiha' reciting and then distributed the food between beggars

shab-baraat kaa chaa.nd

the eighth month of the Arabic calendar (used in Indian subcontinent women)


The eve of the 14th day of the month Shaban (on which a vigil is observed with prayers, feastings, illuminations and the Musalmans make offerings and oblations in the names (if not to the manes) of deceased ancestors, on this night the lives and fortunes of mortals during the coming year are said to be registered in heaven)

din 'iid aur shab shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

رک : ہر شب شب برات الخ ۔

har shab shab-e-baraat he har roz roz-e-'iid

happy times; palmy days, halcyon days

raat shab-e-baraat

رات کا خوشگوار ہونا ، رات کا باعث مسرت ہونا .

din 'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

din 'iid aur raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

din roz-e-'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

din roz-e-'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

har din 'iid har raat shab-e-baraat

رک : ہر شب شبِ برات الخ ۔

Meaning ofSee meaning har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat in English, Hindi & Urdu

har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

हर रोज़ रोज़-ए-'ईद हर शब शब-ए-बरातہَر روز روزِ عِید ہَر شَب شَبِ بَرات

ہَر روز روزِ عِید ہَر شَب شَبِ بَرات کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • رک : ہر شب شب برات الخ ۔

Urdu meaning of har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ruk ha har shab shabb-e-baraat alakh

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The eve of the 14th day of the month Shaban (on which a vigil is observed with prayers, feastings, illuminations and the Musalmans make offerings and oblations in the names (if not to the manes) of deceased ancestors, on this night the lives and fortunes of mortals during the coming year are said to be registered in heaven)

shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa

it is ritual among Muslims that on the day of Shabb-Barat they organize a "Fatiha' reciting and then distributed the food between beggars

shab-baraat kaa chaa.nd

the eighth month of the Arabic calendar (used in Indian subcontinent women)


The eve of the 14th day of the month Shaban (on which a vigil is observed with prayers, feastings, illuminations and the Musalmans make offerings and oblations in the names (if not to the manes) of deceased ancestors, on this night the lives and fortunes of mortals during the coming year are said to be registered in heaven)

din 'iid aur shab shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

رک : ہر شب شب برات الخ ۔

har shab shab-e-baraat he har roz roz-e-'iid

happy times; palmy days, halcyon days

raat shab-e-baraat

رات کا خوشگوار ہونا ، رات کا باعث مسرت ہونا .

din 'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

din 'iid aur raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

din roz-e-'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

din roz-e-'iid raat shab-e-baraat

allusion to a life of continuous gaiety and festivity

har din 'iid har raat shab-e-baraat

رک : ہر شب شبِ برات الخ ۔

Showing search results for: English meaning of har roj rojeid har shab shabebaraat, English meaning of har roj rojeid har shab shabebarat

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har roz roz-e-'iid har shab shab-e-baraat

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