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Showing results for "guzar-gaah-e-'aam"


easy, smooth


ease, facility, convenience, commodiousness


shirker, slacker, malinger, lazy, idler


very easy, effortless, without difficulty

aasaan pa.Dnaa


fond of comforts, indolent, lazy, sluggish



ease, comfort, facility, effortlessness


lazy, indolent, the one who's priority is physical pleasure

mushkile.n aasaan karnaa

mushkile.n aasaan honaa

manzil aasaan honaa

niyyat saabit manzil aasaan

mushkile.n aasaan ho jaanaa

mushkil aasaan karnaa

to remove a difficulty (from the path of), to relieve (one) of a hardship or difficulty, to clear or smooth the path (of)

rasta aasaan karnaa

mushkil aasaan honaa

difficulty be removed


ualajhnaa aasaan sulajhnaa mushkil

niyyat ba-KHair manzil aasaan

guftan aasaan , kardan mushkil

mas.ala aasaan ho jaanaa

phal khaanaa aasaan nahii.n hai

profits cannot be gained without toil

rasta aasaan kar denaa

kahnaa aasaan karnaa mushkil

Easier said than done.

mullaa shudan aasaan ast , insaan shudan mushkil

kahnaa aasaan hai, karnaa mushkil

mu.nh se kahnaa aasaan hai karnaa mushkil hai

haDDii khaanaa aasaan par pachaanaa mushkil

kaam aasaan honaa

'ahd aasaan hai par uskii vafaa mushkil hai

It is easy to make promises, it is hard work to keep them

marhala aasaan honaa

parcha aasaan honaa

raah aasaan ho jaanaa

marhale aasaan banaa denaa

vaa'da aasaan hai vaa'de kii vafaa mushkil hai

It is easy to make promises, it is hard work to keep them

Meaning ofSee meaning guzar-gaah-e-'aam in English, Hindi & Urdu


गुज़र-गाह-ए-'आमگُزَر گاہِ عام

Vazn : 122221

English meaning of guzar-gaah-e-'aam

Noun, Feminine

  • highway, thoroughfare, public road

Sher Examples

गुज़र-गाह-ए-'आम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • सार्वजनिक सड़क, आम रास्ता, राजमार्ग, बड़ी सड़क

گُزَر گاہِ عام کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • شارع عام، عام راستہ، شاہراہ، بڑی سڑک

Showing search results for: English meaning of gujargaaheaam, English meaning of gujargaheam

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