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Showing results for "ghar tajnaa"


give up, forgo, renounce, abandon, forsake

duniyaa tajnaa

become a recluse, abandon worldly pleasures

praan tajnaa

to abandon or yield up life, to give up the ghost, to lose courage, or spirit, or heart

duniyaa ko tajnaa

دنیا کو چھوڑنا ، گوشہ نشین ہو جانا ، خلائق سے دور ہو جانا.

ghar tajnaa

leave one's house

aas tajnaa

to give up, abandon or relinquish hope

aapaa tajnaa

sacrifice one's life, committing suicide

jog tajnaa

(کسی غم یا صدمے وغیرہ سے) جوگیوں کی وضع اختیار کرلینا.

Meaning ofSee meaning ghar tajnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

ghar tajnaa

घर तजनाگَھر تَجْنا


Root word: ghar

English meaning of ghar tajnaa

  • leave one's house

घर तजना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • घर छोड़ना, त्यागना, घर बर्बाद करना, तबाह करना

گَھر تَجْنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • گھرچھوڑنا، تیاگنا، گھربرباد کرنا، ویران کرنا

Urdu meaning of ghar tajnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ghar chho.Dnaa, tyaagnaa, ghar barbaad karnaa, viiraan karnaa

Related searched words


give up, forgo, renounce, abandon, forsake

duniyaa tajnaa

become a recluse, abandon worldly pleasures

praan tajnaa

to abandon or yield up life, to give up the ghost, to lose courage, or spirit, or heart

duniyaa ko tajnaa

دنیا کو چھوڑنا ، گوشہ نشین ہو جانا ، خلائق سے دور ہو جانا.

ghar tajnaa

leave one's house

aas tajnaa

to give up, abandon or relinquish hope

aapaa tajnaa

sacrifice one's life, committing suicide

jog tajnaa

(کسی غم یا صدمے وغیرہ سے) جوگیوں کی وضع اختیار کرلینا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of ghar tajna, English meaning of ghar tazna

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