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Showing results for "gahrii nii.nd sonaa"


difficulty, hardship, trouble, distress


difficult, hard, arduous, troublesome, tough, difficult to traverse, rugged


تکلیف اٹھانے والا ، سختیاں برداشت کرنے والا ؛ (مجازاً) رنجیدہ ، غمگین ، مصیبت زدہ.

su'uubat uThaanaa

to suffer or undergo trouble or misery

su'uubat jhelnaa

suffer or undergo trouble or misery

su'uubat khii.nchnaa

رک : صعوبت اٹھانا.

Meaning ofSee meaning gahrii nii.nd sonaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

gahrii nii.nd sonaa

गहरी नींद सोनाگہْری نِیند سونا

Origin: Hindi


English meaning of gahrii nii.nd sonaa

Compound Verb

  • to sleep deeply, having a deep, untroubled sleep, to become very oblivious and careless

गहरी नींद सोना के हिंदी अर्थ

यौगिक क्रिया

  • बहुत अनजान और लापरवाह हो जाना, सुख की नींद सोना

گہْری نِیند سونا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فعل مرکب

  • خواب غفلت میں ہونا ، پُرسکون نیند سونا ، نہایت بے خبر اور غافل ہو کر سونا.

Urdu meaning of gahrii nii.nd sonaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • Khaab-e-Gaflat me.n honaa, puraskon niind sonaa, nihaayat beKhbar aur Gaafil ho kar sonaa

Related searched words


difficulty, hardship, trouble, distress


difficult, hard, arduous, troublesome, tough, difficult to traverse, rugged


تکلیف اٹھانے والا ، سختیاں برداشت کرنے والا ؛ (مجازاً) رنجیدہ ، غمگین ، مصیبت زدہ.

su'uubat uThaanaa

to suffer or undergo trouble or misery

su'uubat jhelnaa

suffer or undergo trouble or misery

su'uubat khii.nchnaa

رک : صعوبت اٹھانا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of gahree neend sona, English meaning of gahree neend sonaa

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