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Showing results for "Gaafil ho kar sonaa"


alert, vigilant, watchful, guarded, careful, cagey, on the alert, canny, cautious

chaukas rahnaa

be watchful, be on one's guard


alertness, vigilance, carefulness

chaukasii rakhnaa

keep watch, be on the alert, be vigilant, be cautious

chaukas karna

to warn, to make one cautious or alert, to put one on his guard


alertness, vigilance, carefulness, cautiousness, watchfulness

chaukasii karnaa

to keep watch (over), to watch, to guard, to be vigilant or circumspect (in respect of), to be on the alert

chauksii bharnaa

ہوشیار رہنا ؛ پہرادینا.

bhagat jii chaukas

(دلاّلی) دلالوں کا کنایۃً (نفع میں) ۳ (آنہ) کھانے کے واسطے.

chaaro.n chuul chaukas

ہر طرف سے ہوشیار، چوکَنّا، نہایت ہوشیاری سے، سوجھ بوجھ کے ساتھ

hosh-o-havaas se chaukas rahnaa

باحواس رہنا ، باہوش رہنا ، خبردار رہنا ۔

Meaning ofSee meaning Gaafil ho kar sonaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

Gaafil ho kar sonaa

ग़ाफ़िल हो कर सोनाغافِل ہو کَر سونا


English meaning of Gaafil ho kar sonaa

  • sleep soundly

Urdu meaning of Gaafil ho kar sonaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

Related searched words


alert, vigilant, watchful, guarded, careful, cagey, on the alert, canny, cautious

chaukas rahnaa

be watchful, be on one's guard


alertness, vigilance, carefulness

chaukasii rakhnaa

keep watch, be on the alert, be vigilant, be cautious

chaukas karna

to warn, to make one cautious or alert, to put one on his guard


alertness, vigilance, carefulness, cautiousness, watchfulness

chaukasii karnaa

to keep watch (over), to watch, to guard, to be vigilant or circumspect (in respect of), to be on the alert

chauksii bharnaa

ہوشیار رہنا ؛ پہرادینا.

bhagat jii chaukas

(دلاّلی) دلالوں کا کنایۃً (نفع میں) ۳ (آنہ) کھانے کے واسطے.

chaaro.n chuul chaukas

ہر طرف سے ہوشیار، چوکَنّا، نہایت ہوشیاری سے، سوجھ بوجھ کے ساتھ

hosh-o-havaas se chaukas rahnaa

باحواس رہنا ، باہوش رہنا ، خبردار رہنا ۔

Showing search results for: English meaning of gaafil ho kar sonaa, English meaning of gaafil ho qar sonaa

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