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Showing results for "faqiiraana"


brilliance, luster, shine, bright

aab-daarii denaa

to polish, shine, make glossy, burnish, brighten


the person in charge of drinking water, the men who care off the canal water for irrigation, the man who managed the drinking items of a king. a servant appointed on serving of water and drinks

Meaning ofSee meaning faqiiraana in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 1222

Word Family: f-q-r

English meaning of faqiiraana

Persian, Arabic - Adjective

  • relating to a faqir, like a beggar, or a derwish, beggarly
  • in the manner of a poor man
  • land, bestowed on, or appropriated to the support of, faqirs

Sher Examples

फ़क़ीराना के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - विशेषण

  • फ़क़ीरों, साधु, संतों की तरह, फ़क़ीरों और साधुओं-जैसा, दरवेशों जैसा, क़लंदराना
  • जोगियों वाला, मंगतों जैसा, असभ्य ढंग से किसी को खाना परोसना
  • वो तकिया या भूमी जो फ़क़ीरों की जीविका के लिए दान कर दी जाए

فَقِیرانَہ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی - صفت

  • فقیروں کی مانند، درویشوں جیسا، درویشوں کی طرح، قلندرانہ، جوگیوں والا (پھیرا وغیرہ)
  • وہ تکیہ یا زمین جو فقرا کے گزارے کے واسطے وقف کر دی جائے
  • کسی کو غیر مہذب طریقہ سے کھانا کھلانا

Urdu meaning of faqiiraana

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • faqiiro.n kii maanind, darvesho.n jaisaa, darvesho.n kii tarah, qalandraanaa, jogiyo.n vaala (pheraa vaGaira)
  • vo takiya ya zamiin jo fuqaraa ke guzaare ke vaaste vaqf kar dii jaaye
  • kisii ko Gair muhazzab tariiqa se khaanaa khilaanaa

Synonyms of faqiiraana

Antonyms of faqiiraana

Related searched words


brilliance, luster, shine, bright

aab-daarii denaa

to polish, shine, make glossy, burnish, brighten


the person in charge of drinking water, the men who care off the canal water for irrigation, the man who managed the drinking items of a king. a servant appointed on serving of water and drinks

Showing search results for: English meaning of fakiraana, English meaning of fakirana

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