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Showing results for "duulhaa Dhaa.ii din kaa baadshaah hai"


the state of life being at stake, risking life (in battle), intrepidity, mettle, spiritedness, working (at anything) as if life depended on success

jaan baazii kaa khel

محنت یا جفا کشی کا کام

jaan kii baazii lagaanaa

sport with one's life, risk one's life (for a great or noble objective)

Meaning ofSee meaning duulhaa Dhaa.ii din kaa baadshaah hai in English, Hindi & Urdu

duulhaa Dhaa.ii din kaa baadshaah hai

दूल्हा ढाई दिन का बादशाह हैدُولہا ڈھائی دِن کا بادْشاہ ہے


दूल्हा ढाई दिन का बादशाह है के हिंदी अर्थ

  • शादी के दिनों में दूल्हे का बहुत आदर सत्कार होता है

دُولہا ڈھائی دِن کا بادْشاہ ہے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • شادی کے دِنوں میں دولھا کی بڑی خاطر تواضع ہوتی ہے

Urdu meaning of duulhaa Dhaa.ii din kaa baadshaah hai

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • shaadii ke dino.n me.n duulhaa kii ba.Dii Khaatir tavaazo hotii hai

Related searched words


the state of life being at stake, risking life (in battle), intrepidity, mettle, spiritedness, working (at anything) as if life depended on success

jaan baazii kaa khel

محنت یا جفا کشی کا کام

jaan kii baazii lagaanaa

sport with one's life, risk one's life (for a great or noble objective)

Showing search results for: English meaning of doolha dhai din ka badshah hai, English meaning of doolhaa dhaai din kaa baadshaah hai

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