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Showing results for "bin bulaa.ii ahmaq le dau.Dii sahnak"



obvious, evident, clear, manifest





(women) without husbands and (husbands) without wives


(Textual) begone! far it is from truth! away, (in Urdu) alas, alack-a-day, woe to me!


children, family, household, dependents of a family

'ayaa.n karnaa

lay bare, make clear, open, express


'ayaa.n honaa

be clear, become evident, be manifest, appear

haihaat karnaa

haihaat haihaat karnaa



ayaanaa jaane hiyaa siyaanaa jaane kyaa


having family, family man


family or worldly affairs

haihaat KHudaa kii zaat


family and children



big family, many children

'ayaa.n raa che bayaa.n

the self-evident needs no exposition

'ayaal-daarii me.n pha.nsnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning bin bulaa.ii ahmaq le dau.Dii sahnak in English, Hindi & Urdu

bin bulaa.ii ahmaq le dau.Dii sahnak

बिन बुलाई अहमक़ ले दौड़ी सहनकبِن بُلائی اَحْمَق لے دَوڑی صَحْنَک


बिन बुलाई अहमक़ ले दौड़ी सहनक के हिंदी अर्थ

  • बिन-पूछे किसी मामले में हस्तक्षेप देने वाले और बिन बुलाए किसी के घर जाने वाले के लिए प्रयुक्त

بِن بُلائی اَحْمَق لے دَوڑی صَحْنَک کے اردو معانی

  • بے پوچھے کسی معاملے میں دخل دینے والے اور بے بلائے کسی کے گھر جانے والے کے لیے مستعمل

Showing search results for: English meaning of bin bulaai ahmak le daudi sahnak, English meaning of bin bulaai ahmaq le daudi sahnak

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bin bulaa.ii ahmaq le dau.Dii sahnak

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