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a place of assembling or congregating, assembly, congregation, congress, gathering, party, meeting, council, convention, sitting-place

mahfil bharii honaa

mahfil garm honaa

a party or meeting to be in full swing

mahfil garm rahnaa

mahfil barham honaa

mahfil barpaa honaa

mahfil barham karnaa

mahfil aaraasta honaa

mahfil aaraasta karnaa

mahfil barKHaast honaa

a meeting to conclude

mahfil barbhanD honaa

mahfil se badar honaa

mahfil me.n chamak rahnaa

mahfil par honaa

mahfil afsurda honaa

mahfil suunii maa'luum honaa

mahfil tah-o-baalaa karnaa

mahfil tah-o-baalaa honaa

mahfil-darhm barhm honaa

mahfil darhm-barhm karnaa


poetic assembly, assembly of poetry recitation

mahfil mun'aqid karnaa


get-together for pleasure, courtly entertainment, musical concert



decorator of the feast, someone center of the attention in the assembly

mahfil bhar me.n

mahfil 'ash 'ash karnaa

mahfil zaa'fraan-zaar honaa


a gathering for qawwali


mahfil 'ash 'ash kar uThnaa

mahfil uThnaa


assembly of coquetry

mahfil jaagnaa

mahfil sajnaa

mahfil jamnaa

a party or meeting to be in full swing


styling assembly, beautify the gathering, to organize a meeting

mahfil rachnaa


wedding party


mahfil lagaanaa

mahfil sajaanaa

mahfil rachaanaa



congregation, assembly of life


assembly of ecstasy

mahfil ko zaa'faraan-zaar ban denaa


ball, dance party, concert

mahfil ko zaa'faraan zaar banaa denaa

mahfil bigaa.Dnaa

mahfil ukha.Dnaa



colorful assembly


congregation of beauties, gathering of beautiful people

mahfil se uThnaa

mahfil kii raunaq

life and soul of the party, celebrator, favourite personality, one who brings excitement in the party

mahfil par chhaanaa

to dominate a ceremony or gathering with own special skills

mahfil jam jaanaa

mahfil kii mahfil uTh jaanaa

mahfil se ubharnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning bazm in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Persian

Vazn : 21

English meaning of bazm

Noun, Feminine

  • assembly, party, gathering, get-together, company, entertainment, feast, banquet

    Example - Sham hote hi bazm saj jaati aur satven pahar tak aish-o-tarab ka bazar garm rahta

  • the carpet which is laid down on the floor of meeting
  • biting with the front teeth
  • milking (a camel) with the fore-finger and thumb
  • stealing (a garment)

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Sher Examples

बज़्म के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • सभा, गोष्ठी, महफ़िल, मज्लिस

    उदाहरण - शाम होते ही बज़्म सज जाती और सातवें पहर तक ऐश-ओ-तरब का बाज़ार गर्म रहता

  • वह कविता जो वीर रस की न हो, हास्य कविता, रज़्म का विलोम
  • बिछावन जो किसी सभा में बिछाया जाए

بَزْم کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • محفل، مجلس (خواہ عیش و طرب کی ہو یا رنج و غم کی) دربار، کسی تقریب میں بہت سے آدمیوں کا اجتماع

    مثال - شام ہوتے ہی بزم سج جاتی اور ساتویں پہر تک عیش و طرب کا بازار گرم رہتا

  • وہ شاعری جو رزمیہ نہ ہو، طربیہ شاعری، رزم کی ضد
  • فرش جو کسی جلسے کے انعقاد میں بچھایا جائے

Showing search results for: English meaning of bajm

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