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Showing results for "bal suu.n naamii ho ga.e rustam arjun bhiim, bal bin kaisii haakimii kah ga.e saanch hakiim"


accepted, admitted, conceded, granted, undoubted, consigned, intrusted, given in charge


a person whose testimony is credible

musallam honaa

to be acceptable and plausible


proven and acknowledged


universally accepted, accepted by all, certified by everyone, recognized


recognized view


recognized thing or matters


مانی ہوئی حقیقت، تسلیم شدہ حقائق


recognized tradition, fixed principle


recognized principles, pre-determined rules


predetermined religious beliefs

musallama haisiyat 'ataa karne vaalii haisiyat

locust standi, accepted position, position that gives a right to interfere.


complete ones, agreeable points, agreeable things, things those are acceptable

musallama taur par

in a recognized way, with a recognized method, according to principle or rule


जो माना न जाय, अमान्य, जिसका सुबूत न हो, अप्रमाणित।


full chicken, roasted whole fowl


this daal when unhusked, full masoor lentil

ye musallam hai

who is denying this, it is proved

jaa.iz musallima-iKHtiyaar

(Law) locus standi

Meaning ofSee meaning bal suu.n naamii ho ga.e rustam arjun bhiim, bal bin kaisii haakimii kah ga.e saanch hakiim in English, Hindi & Urdu

bal suu.n naamii ho ga.e rustam arjun bhiim, bal bin kaisii haakimii kah ga.e saanch hakiim

बल सूँ नामी हो गए रुस्तम अर्जुन भीम, बल बिन कैसी हाकिमी कह गए साँच हकीमبَل سُوں نامی ہو گئے رستم اَرْجن بھیم، بَل بِن کَیسی حاکمی کَہہ گئے سانچ حکیم


बल सूँ नामी हो गए रुस्तम अर्जुन भीम, बल बिन कैसी हाकिमी कह गए साँच हकीम के हिंदी अर्थ

  • प्रसिद्धि और सत्ता बल ही से प्राप्त होती है
  • बल के कारण संसार में रुस्तम अर्जुन एवं भीम का नाम है और बिना इसके संसार में हुकूमत नहीं हो सकती, जिसकी लाठी उसकी भैंस

بَل سُوں نامی ہو گئے رستم اَرْجن بھیم، بَل بِن کَیسی حاکمی کَہہ گئے سانچ حکیم کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • شہرت اور حکومت طاقت ہی کے بدولت حاصل ہوتی ہے
  • طاقت کی وجہ سے جہاں میں رستم ارجن اور بھیم کام نام ہے اور بغیر اس کے دنیا میں حکومت نہیں ہو سکتی، جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس

Urdu meaning of bal suu.n naamii ho ga.e rustam arjun bhiim, bal bin kaisii haakimii kah ga.e saanch hakiim

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • shauhrat aur hukuumat taaqat hii ke badaulat haasil hotii hai
  • taaqat kii vajah se jahaa.n me.n rustam arjun aur bhiim kaam naam hai aur bagair is ke duniyaa me.n hukuumat nahii.n ho saktii, jis kii laaThii us kii bhains

Related searched words


accepted, admitted, conceded, granted, undoubted, consigned, intrusted, given in charge


a person whose testimony is credible

musallam honaa

to be acceptable and plausible


proven and acknowledged


universally accepted, accepted by all, certified by everyone, recognized


recognized view


recognized thing or matters


مانی ہوئی حقیقت، تسلیم شدہ حقائق


recognized tradition, fixed principle


recognized principles, pre-determined rules


predetermined religious beliefs

musallama haisiyat 'ataa karne vaalii haisiyat

locust standi, accepted position, position that gives a right to interfere.


complete ones, agreeable points, agreeable things, things those are acceptable

musallama taur par

in a recognized way, with a recognized method, according to principle or rule


जो माना न जाय, अमान्य, जिसका सुबूत न हो, अप्रमाणित।


full chicken, roasted whole fowl


this daal when unhusked, full masoor lentil

ye musallam hai

who is denying this, it is proved

jaa.iz musallima-iKHtiyaar

(Law) locus standi

Showing search results for: English meaning of bal soon naami ho gae rustam arjun bhim, English meaning of bal bin kaisi haakimi kah gae saanch hakim

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bal suu.n naamii ho ga.e rustam arjun bhiim, bal bin kaisii haakimii kah ga.e saanch hakiim

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