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Showing results for "abr-e-guhar-baar"


name of the seventh Syrian month (corresponding to the Persian Farwardin, and the Hindi Baisakh, April-May), (it was imagined the rain which falls while the moon is in the mansion svati (and which is behaved to produce pearls if it fall into shells, and venom if it drop into the mouth of serpents)


بارش برسانے والا، موتی برسانے والا


vernal clouds, cold rain, it is known that its drop produces pearl in the oyster and poison in the mouth of the snake, which is baseless


بیساکھ کے مہینے کی بارش کی بوند، شاعرانہ روایت کے مطابق سیپ میں گر کر موتی بن جاتی ہے


spring rains, rainfall during the month of Nisan, the first month of the Jewish calendar corresponding to the month of March


ایسی بارش برسانے والا بادل جس کی بوند شاعرانہ روایت کے مطابق سیپی میں گر کر موتی بن جاتی ہے

Meaning ofSee meaning abr-e-guhar-baar in English, Hindi & Urdu


अब्र-ए-गुहर-बारاَبْرِ گُہَرْ بار

Vazn : 221221

English meaning of abr-e-guhar-baar

Persian, Arabic

  • pearl raining cloud

Sher Examples

अब्र-ए-गुहर-बार के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी

  • मोती बरसाने वाला बादल

اَبْرِ گُہَرْ بار کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، عربی

  • موتی برسانے والے بادل، قیمتی پتھر برسانے والے بادل، جوہر برسانے والے بادل

Urdu meaning of abr-e-guhar-baar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • motii barsaane vaale baadal, qiimtii patthar barsaane vaale baadal, jauhar barsaane vaale baadal

Related searched words


name of the seventh Syrian month (corresponding to the Persian Farwardin, and the Hindi Baisakh, April-May), (it was imagined the rain which falls while the moon is in the mansion svati (and which is behaved to produce pearls if it fall into shells, and venom if it drop into the mouth of serpents)


بارش برسانے والا، موتی برسانے والا


vernal clouds, cold rain, it is known that its drop produces pearl in the oyster and poison in the mouth of the snake, which is baseless


بیساکھ کے مہینے کی بارش کی بوند، شاعرانہ روایت کے مطابق سیپ میں گر کر موتی بن جاتی ہے


spring rains, rainfall during the month of Nisan, the first month of the Jewish calendar corresponding to the month of March


ایسی بارش برسانے والا بادل جس کی بوند شاعرانہ روایت کے مطابق سیپی میں گر کر موتی بن جاتی ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of abreguharbaar, English meaning of abreguharbar

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