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Showing results for "'aaqil-e-zamaana"


the world, universe


place of awesome stillness, state of nothingness (except God)


the place surrounding with water


state of life


the world of the heart, the state of the heart


intoxication, lasciviousness, lustfulness


a state of grief and sorrow


the world of the genii


state of despair





brightening the world, Illuminator of the world (commonly used for sun and moon)


world-adorning, world regulating




friend of world, the one who knows the world very well,


world-warming, world illumining (often called the Sun)


state of imprisonment



intoxicated state


A world full of spring



the world above, the Heaven


earth, world, the world of mortals


state of sleeping, dreaming, the world of dream



appearing like world



the immortal world, heaven, paradise


state of intoxication or of lustfulness


the world of absence, i.e. a future state, the invisible or unknowable world, the world of spirits, the future state, divine world, the other world, the next world


the material world, the animate universe


attractiveness, appeal, charm, glamour, elegance, symmetry




state of trance


agonies of death, painful moments preceding death


holy world


the state of doomsday


tyrant world, the world of tyranny


creating a world, praise of the world


world of non-existence


the world of souls



one who knows the world, famous, popular, renowned


world-traversing, great traveller


the visible or external world


state of yearning


small world, universe and mankind




state of man


(fig.) the world, universe


'aalam 'aalam

everywhere, in the whole world,very, much


state of existence


condition of being in love


world of feelings, tangible world




the world of angels

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aaqil-e-zamaana in English, Hindi & Urdu


'आक़िल-ए-ज़मानाعَاقِلِ زَمَانَہ

Vazn : 212122

English meaning of 'aaqil-e-zamaana

  • sage of the times

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Showing search results for: English meaning of aakilezamaana, English meaning of aaqilejamaana

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