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Showing results for "kaa.ndhaa"



kaa.ndhaa denaa

(Coffin) carry the bier on the shoulder, to lend a shoulder, to carry away (the dead)


(Cock-Fighting) a cock that walks with one arm bent


(Fencing) a kind of sword fighting trick in the war field

kaa.ndhaa lagaanaa

weight lift

kaa.ndhaa Daal denaa

to avoid, to admit defeat

kaa.ndhaa badalnaa

change in the person who is carrying away the dead

kaa.ndhaa jhukaanaa

to do humble request, To request

kaa.ndhaa hilaanaa

to shrug the shoulder, shake someone by the shoulder

kaa.ndhaa raga.Dnaa

to be much crowded

kaa.ndhe se kaa.ndhaa milaanaa

be in line, be in straight line, be together

kaa.ndhe se kaa.ndhaa chhilnaa

رک : کاندھوں سے کاندھا چھلنا .

mayyat ko kaa.ndhaa denaa

carry the bier

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