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Showing results for "naubat"


alternately, successively


large kettle-drums


one after another, alternately, continuously


a guard-house, a large room over the outer gate of a palace or a shrine where the drums or other musical instruments are sounded


a person who plays drum or drums, clarinetist, drummer


kettledrums, mark, sign, glory


bands of music or flags (these two are the honorary symbol of the medieval India)

naubat chha.Dnaa

(drum) to be beaten

naubat aanaa

(matters) to reach a stage


the act of drum beating

naubat jha.Dnaa

the naubat to be sounded, (of drums or kettledrum) be beaten (at fixed hours)

naubat cha.Dhnaa

beating the drums

naubat aanaa

(of somethings turn) come, be the turn (of)

naubat dharnaa

to play drums kettle drum etc. in front of the house at the occasion of any joy and happiness

naubat pe naubat pa.Dnaa

to beat drum continuously


a guard-house, a large room over the outer gate of a palace or a shrine where the drums or other musical instruments are sounded, place from where time is announced with the beat of drum

naubat honaa

باری ہونا ، نقارہ ہونا ۔


موقع جاتا رہنا، وقت گزر جانا


application for permission to appear in court

naubat jaanaa

to loss of name and fame


a beater of the kettle-drum

naubat paanaa

medieval India there were allowed to play the drum beating at the main entrance of the building (a custom of honor, still is in some princely states its continue and it is happen every morning, evening, day and night).


get into big trouble


फाटक या द्वार के ऊपर का वह स्थान जहाँ बैठकर नौबत नामक वाद्य बजाया जाता है; नक़्क़ारख़ाना।

naubat karnaa

to ruin

naubat rahnaa

حالت رہنا، کیفیت تک رہنا، صورت حال درپیش رہنا

naubat bajnaa

(drum) to be beaten, (hour) to be announced with beat of drum, to be beaten (at stated hours)

naubat ba.Dh jaanaa

صورت حال پیش آنا، حالت ہونا

naubat piTnaa

(drum) to be beaten, be married, rejoicing

naubat bajvaanaa

ڈنکے پٹوانا، شہرہ کروانا، اپنا نام کرانا

naubat garajvaanaa

ڈنکا بجوانا، نقارہ پٹوانا، اعلان کروانا

naubat baajnaa

(drum) to be beaten, be renowned

naubat rakhnaa

playing drums and kettles on the occasion of happiness and joy

naubat paho.nchnaa

باری آنا ، کسی امر کے وقوع کا وقت آنا ؛ موقع ملنا ۔

naubat pahu.nchnaa

(matters) to reach a stage

naubat pahu.nchaanaa

حالت کو پہنچانا ، صورت ِحال درپیش کر دینا ۔

naubat kaa dhau.nsaa

the drum for proclamation

naubat chhaapnaa

playing the clarinet on happy occasions

naubat paho.nchaanaa

حالت کو پہنچانا ، صورت ِحال درپیش کر دینا ۔

naubat bajaanaa

beat the drum, announce the hour with the beat of drum

naubat rakhaanaa

playing drums and kettles on the occasion of happiness and joy


drum, semi-spherical drum, loxia rosea etc (who were considered a symbol of honor, respect)

naubat chukaanaa

to guard at own turn

naubat paidaa karnaa

to create situation

naubat ba-ii.njaa rasiid

یہاں تک نوبت پہنچی، منزل یہاں تک آ گئی، بات یہاں تک پہنچی، یہ وقت آگیا، یہ مرحلہ آگیا، یہ حالت ہو گئی، اس حالت کو پہنچے

naubat-naqqaare ulaTnaa

to shut down the band of music (often in mourning)

naubat-aanqqaare bajnaa

to be sounded; drums, or the kettle-drum

naubat biThaanaa

beat the drum at the time of enjoyment or any ceremony


occasion of happiness, marriage

naubat na aanaa

do not get the chance

naubat ko pahu.nchnaa

be in bad situation

naubat pahu.nch jaanaa

باری آنا ، کسی امر کے وقوع کا وقت آنا ؛ موقع ملنا ۔

naubat ba-jaa.n kaarad bar ustaKHvaa.n

to be used at time when the life in a danger

naubat ba-ii.n jaa rasiid

رک : نوبت بایں جا رسید ۔

naubat yahaa.n-tak pahu.nchii

یہ حالت ہو گئی ، اس حالت کو پہنچے (نوبت بہ ایں جارسید) ۔

naubat na aane denaa

do not give a chance

naubat ho jaanaa

باری ہونا ، نقارہ ہونا ۔

naubat kaa Da.nkaa honaa

to be renowned, proclamation


a guard-house, a large room over the outer gate of a palace king and ministers where the drums or other musical instruments are sounded

naubat kii Takor

the drum sound, low-pitched sound of drum

Compound words of naubat


Origin: Arabic

Urdu compound words with 'naubat'

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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