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Showing results for "KHair"


labour, fatigue


rebuke, rail at, reproach, scold, chide, berate, upbraid, take to task

lataa.D denaa

پامال کرنا ، روندنا ، خاطر میں نہ لانا.

lataa.D karnaa

لے دے کرنا ، لعن طعن کرنا.

lataa.D pa.Dnaa

to be rebuked, be reproached, be scolded, be chided, be upbraided

lataa.D bataanaa

دھتکارنا ، ڈان٘ٹنا ، جھڑکنا ، سخت سُست کہنا ، بُرا کہنا.

lataa.D me.n aanaa

to get entangled in trouble, be involved in trouble, become entangled in something shady


dismantling, disturbance, row, tussle, conspiracy, plot

lataa.D me.n rahnaa

زیر مشق رہنا، زیر استعمال رہنا

Compound words of KHair


Origin: Arabic

Urdu compound words with 'KHair'

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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