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Showing results for "giraa.n"


foolish, ignorant, fool, stupid, dim-witted


foolish, ignorant, fool, stupid, dim-witted


Want of understanding, ignorance, stupidity, folly, foolishness, fatuity


Want of understanding, ignorance, stupidity, folly, foolishness, fatuity


मूर्खता या नासमझी से भरा हुआ (व्यक्ति, व्यवहार आदि)।


conscious, aware, informed about

be-vaquufii kaa kaam karnaa

To do a foolish job.

parle darje kaa bevaquuf

A fool of the first-water

tum bhii kore chaaliis sere bevaquuf ho

تم بے حد بیوقوف ہو

mare hu.o.n par mat ro.o balki bevaquufo.n par girya karo

(ترکی کہاوت اُردو میں مستعمل) ۔ مُردے کو رونے سے بہتر ہے بیوقوف کی بے وقوفی کا ماتم کریں ۔

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