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Showing results for "daanii"


very generous, bountiful


liberality, munificence, big-heartedness, generosity

dariyaa-dilii se

dariyaa dilii dikhaanaa


middle of ocean, generous hearted

dil dariyaa karnaa

dil dariyaa honaa

be bountiful, be magnanimous

luTaayaa maal bigaanaa bandii kaa dil dariyaa



heart with the expanse of an ocean

nekii kar dariyaa me.n Daal

do good and seek no reward, do good for the sake of good

nekii kar aur dariyaa me.n Daal

do good and seek no reward, do good for the sake of good

ehsaan kar aur dariyaa me.n Daal

Compound words of daanii


Origin: Hindi

Urdu compound words with 'daanii'

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