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Showing results for "رمضان"


the ninth of the Arabian months (so called because, when they changed the names of the months from the ancient language, they named them according to the seasons in which they fell, and this month agreed with the days of vehement heat. on the 27th of this

ramazaan rahnaa

(Satirical) starvation

ramazaan kaa namaazii muharram kaa sipaahii


(Metaphorically) empty, penniless, poverty


9th month of Islamic Calendar, 9th month of lunar calendar, the blessed and holy month of Ramazan

ramazaan kaa namaazii

ramazaan ke namaazii

ramazaan-shariif dar par kha.De he.n

there is no aliment at home


of or relating to the month, or to the fast of Ramazan, born in the month of Ramazan

ramazaan kaa namaazii muharram kaa Gaazii


month of Ramadan (the month of fasting)



aayaa ramazaan bhaagaa shaitaan

sin doesn't stand before virtue, evil doesn't stand in the way of goodness

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Showing results for "رمضان"


the ninth of the Arabian months (so called because, when they changed the names of the months from the ancient language, they named them according to the seasons in which they fell, and this month agreed with the days of vehement heat. on the 27th of this

ramazaan rahnaa

(Satirical) starvation

ramazaan kaa namaazii muharram kaa sipaahii


(Metaphorically) empty, penniless, poverty


9th month of Islamic Calendar, 9th month of lunar calendar, the blessed and holy month of Ramazan

ramazaan kaa namaazii

ramazaan ke namaazii

ramazaan-shariif dar par kha.De he.n

there is no aliment at home


of or relating to the month, or to the fast of Ramazan, born in the month of Ramazan

ramazaan kaa namaazii muharram kaa Gaazii


month of Ramadan (the month of fasting)



aayaa ramazaan bhaagaa shaitaan

sin doesn't stand before virtue, evil doesn't stand in the way of goodness

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