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Showing results for "kamiin kabhii ko.nDe ke idhar kabhii udhar"


best, finest, most excellent

behtariin afraad

The finest citizens, the salt of the earth.

behtariin intiqaam 'afv hai

The best revenge is to forgive.

behtariin intiqaam

The best revenge is to forgive.

laagat kaa behtariin badal denaa

Offer the best value for money

bhiitar aanaa

enter, come in

bheT denaa

تحفہ دینا ، قربانی دینا ، نذر و نیاز دینا.

bahut din tere hai.n

ابھی بہت زمانہ باقی ہے، ابھی کافی لمبا وقت پڑا ہے

bahut din pa.De hai.n

there is enough time

Meaning ofSee meaning kamiin kabhii ko.nDe ke idhar kabhii udhar in English, Hindi & Urdu

kamiin kabhii ko.nDe ke idhar kabhii udhar

कमीन कभी कोंडे के इधर कभी उधरکَمِین کَبھی کونڈے کے اِدَھر کَبھی اُدَھر


कमीन कभी कोंडे के इधर कभी उधर के हिंदी अर्थ

  • कम हिम्मत कमीना खाने के गर्द रहता है

کَمِین کَبھی کونڈے کے اِدَھر کَبھی اُدَھر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • کم ہمّت کمینہ کھانے کے گرد رہتا ہے .

Urdu meaning of kamiin kabhii ko.nDe ke idhar kabhii udhar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kam himmat kamiina khaane ke gard rahtaa hai

Related searched words


best, finest, most excellent

behtariin afraad

The finest citizens, the salt of the earth.

behtariin intiqaam 'afv hai

The best revenge is to forgive.

behtariin intiqaam

The best revenge is to forgive.

laagat kaa behtariin badal denaa

Offer the best value for money

bhiitar aanaa

enter, come in

bheT denaa

تحفہ دینا ، قربانی دینا ، نذر و نیاز دینا.

bahut din tere hai.n

ابھی بہت زمانہ باقی ہے، ابھی کافی لمبا وقت پڑا ہے

bahut din pa.De hai.n

there is enough time

Showing search results for: English meaning of kameen kabhee konde ke idhar kabhee udhar, English meaning of kamin kabhi konde ke idhar kabhi udhar

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