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Showing results for "'ibaaraat"




prayers, acts of worship


hard worships like summer lent or fast or waking all night in prayers and worship


necessary worships


the essence of worship


speciality of prayer


devotion, adoration


text, sentence, passage, speech, (in a book or writing)

muqaffaa-o-musajja' 'ibaarat

muqaffaa-o-musajja' 'ibaarat

'ibaadat chho.Dnaa

abandoning the worship of God

'ibrat ba.Dhnaa

'ibrat paka.Dnaa

be warned, learn a lesson



jhaa.ii.n maa.ii.n kavve kii baraat

a kind of children's game in Subcontinental India

duulhaa-duulahn mil ga.e, jhuuTii pa.Dii baraat

baaruut par dhar kar u.Daanaa



painting to learn a lesson from

jahaa.n duulha vahaa.n baraat

the men stands with his leader

baraat cha.Dhnaa

he setting out of the bridegroom in procession (to the house of the bride)

baraat cha.Dhaanaa

baaruut u.Dnaa

maa.nge kaa taa.ngaa bu.Dhiyaa kii baraat

it is said to braggart

'iid piichhe Tar, baraat piichhe dhau.nsa

rejoicing after the festival is over and music after the wedding

maa.nge par taa.ngaa aur bu.Dhiyaa kii baraat

maa.nge kaa taa.ngaa aur bu.Dhiyaa kii baraat

kauvvo.n kii baraat

(Kids) the crowd of cows


anguish arising out, lesson learnt from other's sufferings

mahalle me.n aa.ii baraat, pa.Dosan ko lagii ghabraahaT

to cause unreasonable nervousness

shab-baraat kaa gha.Daa

it is ritual among Muslims that on the day of Shabb-Barat they organize a "Fatiha' reciting and then distributed the food between beggars

baraat piichhe dhau.nsaa 'iid ke piichhe Tar

taking action when opportunity is lost


traditional worship or servitude

siidhii-saadii 'ibaarat

'ibaadat radd karnaa

worship not getting approval, to make ineffective

'ibrat kaa sabaq denaa

byaahii na baraat cha.Dhii Dolii me.n baiThii na chuu.n chuu.n hu.ii

darvaaze par aa.ii baraat samdhan ko lagii hagaas

jahaa.n duulhaa tahaa.n baraat


peace of advice, counsel, lesson

'ibrat dilaanaa

teach a lesson (to), warn (of consequences), admonish




'ibrat dharnaa


(law) the text of evidence

tauhiid fil-'ibaadat

there is no deity except God, and He alone is worthy of worship

peT me.n pa.De to 'ibaadat suujhe

byaah nahii.n kiyaa baraat to dekhii hai.n

byaah piichhe baraat

repenting after opportunity is lost


zeal, love of prayer, the dedication of God worship

byaah nahii.n kiyaa baraat to dekhii hai

biyaah nahii.n kiyaa baaraat to dekhii hai

observation is comparable to personal experience

'ibrat kii nigaah

eye which learns from other's experience


writing on the back of a document


world of wonder and learning from other's experiences

pancho.n mil mar ga.e goyaa ga.ii baraat

general calamity is bearable




ornate or poetical expression, word-painting


release order

Meaning ofSee meaning 'ibaaraat in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 1221

Singular: 'ibaarat

See meaning: 'ibaarat

Word Family: a-b-r

English meaning of 'ibaaraat

Noun, plural of plural

  • writings

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Sher Examples

'इबारात के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, बहुवचन का बहुवचन

  • रचना, साहित्य से संबंधित कृति, किसी साहित्यिक कृति का निर्माण करना

عِبارات کے اردو معانی

اسم، جمع الجمع

  • (زبانی یا تحریری) بیان، مضمون، تحریر، اسلوب
  • تعبیر، ترکیب، بیان کرنا، نکل جانا، گزر جانا، وہ مطلب جو نثر میں بیان کیے جائے

Showing search results for: English meaning of ibaaraat, English meaning of ibarat

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